Excerpt; Tricks
Tricks don't Age, though could be a beautiful lips and cheeks,
Therein lies knowledge that will profit, and encompass you,
Tricks bears the fearless, bending the fearful into a mighty,
Alter the rhythm in the lyrics and refines the rhyme,
Cleaves to the rigid, it could bear an atom of doom,
Tricks the bridge behind war and events.
@Lois Ehiguese
My head aches swerlying
Let me not be married to my imaginations
Love alters when it alterations find
Or bends with the unbendable
O no, the ever fixed mark is fresh,
Whose worth is unknown,
Bruise Not Broken,
If this be error upon me proved,
I never wit, no man ever loved.
@Lois Ehiguese
Conscience a hidden identify of us all.
@Lois Ehiguese
I would like to take a walk,
Not minding the huddles,
My circle keeps me bond,
Struggle from within was iintensed
Can I break free from within?
My parents will always believe i'm sound
My circle will always believe am at the top of my game
O, Happy Day
When I decided to let go
I was an influence, who created many influencer,
@Lois Ehiguese
The study of true love never runs dry, and has no depth.
@Lois Ehiguese
The strength Of the wise lies in their silence
@Lois Ehiguese
The Light in my Night
Your thoughts beautify my night
Your words increase my might
I can't imagine what it would be like without a sight
The glimpse of a future has brought light into my night❤❤❤❤
@Lois Ehiguese