Mother recounts the innocence,
the purity my new eyes bore
Father talks of the enchanting flow
of joy in the labor room when I cried
Which shall I say is the reason
that I earned a question for a name?
My name echoes in the whispers
of a yellow leaf to the bumblebee
It resounds in the distance
where children dance naked
to raindrops on parched roofs
The maze on each finger print
describes a precision unrivalled in creation
And when I stop to think of the Creator
all logic and reasoning fail me
Who is like God?
Once I stood on the porch
Lost in the chill of breeze and bad days
The street lay dark and silent
And the clouds seemed also encumbered
by my heart's full gloom
Boom! a flash of dazzling cracks
Like fireworks in the vast grey sky
With thunder bellowing again
Who is like God?
In that brief ecstatic moment
With closed eyes and deep sighs
I paused to contemplate this wonder,
this very subtle reminder
That for my name,
No answer suffices
I woke up in the morning to admire the sunrise
How beautiful are your creations
I can’t but admire your good deeds
Then I asked, Who Is like God?
The tranquility that transcends beyond
The radiant star of the sea
From the unknown, it brightens the day
The heavens are telling the glory of God
The wonders of his work displays his firmaments
You lived before inception to ages of eternity
Echoes of Happiness, I hear
Lines of smiles greets me
Bouts of joy astir me
Cloud of peace prevail over me
In you I found joy and happiness
And I tend to say, who is like God?
In my prayers I encounter you
You always assure me that someone is listening
Who understands and knows my intent even from the start
The hopes and fears that fills my heart
But many times my heart finds sudden peace and rest
Because I have a God who cares
Day by day, God walks with me
And my burden he helps to bear
Each step I take along the way
My loving father is always there
In the entire universe, no one is like God
NAME: Ebenezer Mikwene Mowete
God of fire, Love’s fierce radiance,
Drive through the deep until the steep waves part,
You have undone the dragon’s sinuous influence,
And pierced the clotted darkness in my heart,
You have dispelled the despair you found there, you have broken the spell,
And overthrown the tyrannies of Hell.
Who is like God?
God chose for chief, his champion Michael,
When as the prince of angels puffed with pride,
stirred his seditious spirits to rebel,
God gave Michael charge the host of Heaven to guide,
This dragon since let loose, God’s church assailed,
and she by help of Michael’s sword prevailed.
Who is like God?
God, I see Your tender love in all the things around me,
With blessings that I cannot count, with grace beyond all measure,
I feel your comfort when I'm down, and know that You surround me,
With mercy that I don't deserve, with things that bring me pleasure,
May I be used in some small way to teach Your grace and glory,
Help me to show the world Your love, to spread salvation's story.
Who is like God?