It is a tug of war
Between the villagers and the gods;
No one seems to be scared anymore,
As they look to put a stop to the monthly sacrifice
Hear the people say,
'We are ready to fight,
It is a tooth for tooth,
A nail for nail,
We too are gods!'
Hear the principal god speak,
'We will inflict the land with epilepsy and small pox!
We will cease the rain and cause the farmlands to become desolate.
We will turn your waters to blood and make your barns empty!'
'It is not possible!
We shall give our all to defeat you,
We shall give our sweat and blood!
Why take humans and not animals?
What is the reason for taking our lives?'
'Says who?
You gods with no identity?
gods that were made by us the real gods,
With our hands?
Tell us where you emerged from?'
'You know nothing!
You know not mysteries!
Your forefathers served us well,
You are nothing!'
'Whether we are nothing or something,
The battle line has been draw!
Let the sound of battle be heard,
For we shall fight you all!'
Apata Victor
Drums of war... Nice.