Like an unwanted guest
You are hated by many
And despised like leprosy.
Why oh why!!!
Many have asked endlessly.
Why now, why me?
Opinions… that's all we have,
Opinions that matter not.
Mortals with a perfect timetable
Seemingly different from yours.
Now is always not acceptable,
With every candidate deeming himself not qualified.
But if not now, when?
If not you, who?
For you take captive the able young ones
And parley aimlessly with those beyond remedy.
Oh you foe, why beckon on the healthy,
Having protracted negotiations for those on life support?
For fear of you, they refuse to live,
–dying everyday.
The anonymity of your timing…
The dreadful cold hands
Lurking from the shadows to grip.
But you are not the enemy
—not mine
At best a friendly enemy,
Born out of necessity.
For if we don't die, we can't live.
Now I await your godly visit,
At an ungodly time.
I have waited from foetus…
As that surviving sperm
I have waited a lifetime.
But without its fearful grip,
Death is dead to me.
©Abel Adive
Just lovely!
How lovely sir???