There was a river that flowed,
There was a river of tears.
A river that brought woes,
Anguish and anger over our heads.
On it's shore, I stood and watched
my sisters and brothers cuffed.
Shipped and carried far abroad,
forever gone till this morn.
They looked pale, like chickens meant for feasts,
But they could not act, no freedom for their fists.
They could have hugged us one last time, at least,
That pleasure lurked at the outskirts of their wrists.
We would wave and say goodbye in top voice,
But they could not hear, they were distant from us.
Their hands chained, lips sealed,
Only to be freed when they reach foreign cotton fields
That shore where I stood was sinking,
I had to go back, what a shame!
My brothers must have felt forsaken,
Perhaps seen me more venomous than those who took them captives.
But, he who lives tells the the tale of the fallen with regrets,
That beautiful river was our nightmare.
Each time it flowed, better it fared,
Leaving us memories we longed to forget.
Nemesis did catch up,
This river dried up,
But the ruins it had caused,
Could they ever be restored?
That river that used to flow, here,
right here where I stand.
That river, river of tears
has dried, there's nothing but sand.
Aj Maverick
Nice piece bro
Thanks man
You repeated the word 'the' in S6L1. Yeah, it happens.
An error.