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The voice said to me softly,

"Be angry, you have a right to be,
It's not your fault that the world's faulty.
There is not much you can do about it."

What then is the solution to this profanities?
I whispered, wiping the droplets of tears
The world is not ready to change
It has never changed.

I shut my ears and started walking,
By the road was a damsel in distress
Bleeding and writhing
Yet people walked past, without sparing her a glance.

Why is this world like this?
I said, expecting an answer from the unknown voice
Nobody's tried to help the lady
This profanities, there's probably no remedy.

When I heard no response
I wiped my tears and proceeded
With my eyes fixed on the environment
I kept looking for more acts.

Everything is seeming peaceful
Serene periods like this is unusual
Shouts interrupted my reviere
An infant had been caught stealing.

They are going to burn him
In accordance with the usual norm
The boy was set ablaze as people chanted away
The voice still kept quiet, perhaps it's offended too.

I turned back in a bid to escape
From the gory sight before me
And then the voice finally spoke out
With a shrill and clear tone.

"This world will never become better
Unless you rise to your feet
When others are on their seat
Blaming everyone for the world's predicament."

"I didn't blame anybody"
I replied confidently
"Yes, but you did nothing to help the victims"
The voice answered.

©Akinwole John Akintayo.

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"This world will never become better
Unless you rise to your feet
When others are on their seat
Blaming everyone for the world's predicament."

This is deep! 

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Nice one...

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Posts: 289


Nice one...??
