I never thought a time will come
When I couldn't write a poem
A time when my pen would be afraid to kiss the lips of my pages
A time when I would be absent from the guild of word mages
A time when I could not see "lines" in lectures of science
Or "verses" in that gruesome experience
A time when the portal to Writingsville closes
When the words "Woozy writes" from the dictionary ceases
There was once a time I could bet my life on my ink
In times of good or peril I was sure it won't sink
Alas, all it took for the bleeding of my ink to be treated
Was to discover that you have to your home journeyed
It's impossible for one to write without a muse
Impossible to write knowing I didn't to you fully pay my dues
I never bought you that house or that car
You didn't even get to see your granddaughter
You bought me my first pen, mother
It is only fitting that with you, it goes six feet under
Anene Ebubechukwu Anthony (E boo bae)
A feel of words. Great one
Mind your tense usage.
"I never thought a time will come
When I couldn't write a poem..."
Should have been:
"I never thought a time would come
When I'd struggle to write a poem..."
Got it?
I learned that. I get it...For him.