You lead the vegetables into your table
Grains and fruits assembled in your dish camp
Ready to walk down the path of tribulation
Aye! Your wonders works well
You wrestle with onions and peppers
With your innocent knives
Even when they cloud up tears in your eyes
Great cook
You faced the plight of the fire
To give the mouth a busy round
And the heart a resting night
We have peace since you took over the table
The scent of your food travels down our heart
The delicious meal you serve saved our soul
You put songs of joy in our mouth
Beautiful melodies in our hearts
Each time you fill our belly
And make our shit-tank to run out of space
My tongue can't go each day ungrateful
Nor my teeths soon forgotten you gave them company
Not my filled belly could bury the joy within
So, the pot you prepared report itself even before my mouth could move
Saviour of my soul
For so many times you traded my anger for happiness
By setting pace between my tummy and hunger
Wide as the heaven from the earth
©Israel Onoruoiza
Work on use of pluralisations:
S4L3, L4:
The scent of your food travels down our heart(s)
The delicious meal you serve saved our soul(s)
Nor my teeths soon forgotten you gave them company
This should be:
Nor my teeth forget you gave them company