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Night watchers

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Night watchers

I am scared of sleeping and staying awake,
For none of these would make a difference,
The snore of my neighbor hunts my peace
I speak to my shadow, scared of its face,
Yet the oceans of nature rebuke my life,
I am a solitary being, living to die.

The fairies of the dark comfort me,
I'm as active as light in the darkness,
My asylum is the tranquility of the day's end,
Where the travails can be eclipsed,
Where burdens lack clarity to men,
The only glow coming from my nocturnal eyes.

I understand the night's cries and what they mean,
I have been compelled to keep track of the owl,
Jump when it hoots and see its fallen prey,
This is another night I pray for a quick seal,
For my eyes are too dark to be white,
And my body casting away from the birth of light

When the day goes to sleep,
I sneak under the cover of the night,
To the genesis of light's doom,
Stars gazing and the moon wearing a gloom,
I come alive in the night time,
I am the knight of the night.

The sun mocks my being and leave before the tragedy,
A beautiful pain I alone can testify to
How could I be wrapped around cruelty?
Watching the stars spark, yet the light is my doom,
It's only a lullaby to lure me before I'm crucified,
Oh consuming night! have mercy on my drowning soul

Good old days of morning bliss chips in,
Boisterous scenery glides through my thoughts,
How quickly clarity fades and obscurity births,
Candid expressions of bustle wanes into the dark,
Under the tree of good and evil,
The inception of faded light

©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi et Vincent Kanong Ekanem

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Reading a duet by Muyibat and Vincent is a blessing.

Nice one guys.???
