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ANSA AWARDS FOR CREATIVE WRITING CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN ANSA LITERARY CONTESTS & FUN GAMES Entries are welcome from humans of all ages, irrespective of sex, tribe, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. To participate in our weekly contests, simply submit your entries in the respective categories on the days allotted for such activity: Mondays (Poetry) 1. ANSA Poet of the Week Contest 2. ANSA Poetry Collabo of the Week Contest Tuesdays (Prose: Fiction) 1. ANSA Flash Fiction of the Week Contest 2. ANSA Flash Fiction Collabo of the Week Contest 3. ANSA Short Story of the Week Contest 4. ANSA Short Story Collabo Contest Wednesdays (Children's Literature) 1. ANSA Children's Literature of the Week Contest 2. ANSA Children's Literature Collabo of the Week Contest Thursdays (Drama) 1. ANSA Playwright of the Week Contest 2. ANSA Drama Collabo of the Week Contest Fridays (Prose: Non-Fiction) 1. ANSA Non-Fiction Writer of the Week Contest 2. ANSA Non-Fiction Collabo of the Week Contest 3. ANSA Quote of the Week Contest 4. ANSA Literary Critic of the Week Contest 5. ANSA Reporter of the Week Contest Remember to add your full names in your submissions, as well as the appropriate hashtag for the contest. Winners are announced here every Sunday. Prizes and publicity packages are available for winners. Note that participants for our weekly contests are required to follow our social media channels below as part of the criteria for initial screening of entries: Twitter: @ansa_nigeria Facebook: Instagram: @ansa_nigeria You must also get registered (free of charge) on our website. NB: It is not enough to just submit ur entries. You have to be actively involved in our social media campaigns. In summary, the following criteria for participating in our weekly literary contests and fun games shall be strictly enforced: 1. Register (free of charge) on our website: 2. Follow our social media channels: Facebook: Twitter: @ansa_nigeria Instagram: @ansa_nigeria 3. Ensure you indicate your full names in your write-up & add the relevant hashtag for the contest you're entering. 4. Ensure you adhere strictly to the word count limit (300-500 words). 5. Be actively involved in our social media campaigns. NB: Members with disciplinary records (violation of contest rules, unruly behaviour, etc) get stripped of their awards and benefits (certificates, cash prize, membership status, etc). At ANSA, discipline is everything! If you didn't see your name in the nominee list (longlist/shortlist/final list) of any of ANSA's Literary Contests, it could mean either of two things: 1. You didn't meet the minimum criteria for the award; 2. Your entry simply wasn't good enough (structural errors, grammatical blunders, punctuation issues, etc). For item 1 above, the following could have applied to you: a. You didn't submit your entry on the website (, which could mean you haven't registered in the first place; b. You posted your entry in the wrong forum; c. You didn't add your full name to your submission; d. You didn't indicate the relevant hashtag for the contest; e. Your entry may have breached relevant copyright laws; f. You didn't adhere to the word count limit (300-500 words); g. You submitted your entry beyond the deadline for the contest; h. You haven't followed our social media channels. Be patient enough to go through the rules clearly outlined on this page! It's critically important that we adhere strictly to instructions guiding literary contests. We can't emphasize this enough! ANSA belongs to all of us! Let's play our part to ensure we get the very best from the organization. Cheers! ANSA... for the love of writing

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