Day 3
Today, we tied the knot.
They said, "things like this should happen only once."
We were told that we are now one,
One flesh bound together for a brief stint on earth.
They also said this garden is meant to sprout forth love,
They said we are lucky for claiming it
But with a doubting heart, I wonder if this isn't a mistake,
For I am told I can no longer leave & that there's no escaping
until death pays it's first visit.
I'm also wondering how this night's going to be,
The thrill of a first timer who gets to lead the flesh of her flesh
On an adventure on the trail between her thighs & help him until
He empties the seed that she's prototyped to carry for months.
Any way it works out, who gets to suffer the consequences?
Who will nurture the child if there's one?
Who will receive reproaches if there's none?
All this and everyone seems to be happy for me,
Nobody's sharing my anxiety even my so-called flesh.
I feel like my sweat is choking me even
with the coolness of this weather
Is this what those that thread this path before me felt?
I am becoming scared; the fear of losing my freewill.
"He is the head. Submit to him." is echoing in my head.
If this glorious home fails, I'll take a large chunk of the blame
What does forever even mean?
A place where hate is masked by love?
A burning fire whose quenching will be a taboo?
I thought forever is finding an arm to lean on
And not forsaking one's soul just to fit in.
They say it's the sweetest thing that can ever happen
to any person on the face of this earth
And I really want to be happy too.
But, because we tied a knot, should I start dancing in a whirlwind and call it rain?
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo