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Till the earth departs our face
And fail to never exist
Shall my two eyes
Cease to see beauty in you

Till the day refuses to give a show
Or the night cease to shine or gleam
Shall my care stick to the ground
And never walk for you

Till the mountains and hills
Swallow themselves and turn to plain
Will my faith in you
Cease to float and drown

If the sky never disappeared at night
And the stars departs not its duty
Or the moon succeed not to smile to the earth
Never let the thought of betrayal rule your heart

You're a water
And i'm a fish
There is no survival without you
Nor a living of life thereafter

I promise
To stick to you like a snail to its shell
To cherish you as my only treasure
And to see your beauty everywhere I look

I promise
To stride my faith in you
And above all, keep you in love
I promise.

©Israel Onoruoiza et Aj Maverick
