DAY 20
We teach them good with the might of our pen,
They choose the words they wish to learn.
We give them the sharpest edge of the sword,
They will never listen if it's not a song of praise.
Our leaders never listen to the masses cry,
To change the narratives, we felt we could try,
They dislike the truth between our lines,
And when it comes, the supposed deaf people begins to hear,
They don't punish the message, they harm the sender
We thought our leaders were deaf and dumb,
We never knew they pretended to be,
They come at us when the words are heavy,
But they pretend they see nothing when it's only a plea,
Our leaders love songs filled with lyrics of fantasy.
Can we call them blind? No.
We can't say they are oblivious of the agony
Of the nation or the dormancy of our so-called republic.
But, who will question them?
They're the ones behind the wheel and
They continue to drive as they wish
They derive joy from seeing the masses suffer,
The blood of innocents wet the soil every blessed day
And there's been no silver lining in the cloud for a long time.
The same old stories are rephrased every four years.
How do we receive freedom from this packaged slavery
That wears democracy as it's attire?
When will our leaders think of ways to enrich our home
Instead of enriching their lineage?
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo