In his bed, I won't mind acting the sinner because
when he compliments me, I shine like the moon.
A peck from him & raging storms in me are calmed.
A thought of him is enough to erase anxieties & whenever I'm
engrossed in the warmth of his well sculpted arm,
I feel like I'm existing in paradise.
I hope he doesn't stop holding on to me for he's like the sea,
That I can't savour the full length of.
Every new day there are new places to reach & explore
on his divinely made bod.
If I'm asked what kind of man I've found,
I'd tell them I found a man whose eyes can thaw hearts of stones;
Whose chest forever assures me that I'm never alone.
I'd tell them I found a man whose heart is as
beautiful as he is.
In him, I saw thousands of reasons to live.
I will tell the whole wide world that I am the most fortunate of the female folk.
Since I've got a current that electrifies my soul,
That spurs me into vibrations once our lips are intertwined.
He is the melody that brings joy to my spirit,
Making me laugh and at all times lit.
His handsomeness blinds sights,
A thousand around & all I'd see is him.
If I'm a rose, I'd say he is the dew
I want on me every morn.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo