DAY 10
I hope that the rain will still fall.
Every morn, with my head held up high,
I wish that this boat where I've casted all my hopes
will finally sail,
I've always longed to see the silver lining in the cloud,
But it is like the cloud itself is a mirage.
I've even been cursed in places i expected blessings from.
My travails are now tales–told to younger folks.
It is safe to say, I craved things that are far from my reach.
That every step I've taken so far has been a leap of faith.
But the reproaches I've garnered makes me waiver.
I wish I can, but no one can stand forever.
The moon has refused to smile on my face &
I've been alone in this horizon for too long
That I can't stand another dusk.
For my heartbreak is beyond amend.
Let the world call it a sin, I think my end is here.
I want to end it all.
I'm ready to be my own executioner.
But I can't stop asking myself,
Why not murder only the pathetic me?
I could put to death, the me with the fear to aim high & invite people
To the christening of the me with a strong resolve to keep fighting.
So, I welcome you to my funeral,
But know that I will rise up this same day,
For I will only murder this depressing thoughts, not myself.
It's not yet my last hurrah.
.©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo.