DAY 16
Life rotates like the earth.
And unlike the regular circular motion
round the sun, it can also undulate
like the waves on the ocean.
Today, life may be bright like the sun,
revealing glory anew,
and tomorrow, it could come as a gun
that will shoot numerous challenges at you.
Sometimes, you would be a ship
While life would be like the waves
That will either wreck or strip
you of your good looks.
Life is a journey with no map,
It's current flows as it likes,
many failed because they wanted their desires ASAP,
they forgot life is a coin with two sides,
It will happen to us all...
Life is like a void that we must fill,
It might be slow or fast for some.
This shouldn't affect how we feel,
for life is never stagnant, not for once.
Life is no man's friend, it has it's own heart,
that's got neither love nor hate.
Life's meant for those with lion hearts,
People willing to face it head-on until they become late.
©Akinwole John Akintayo
©Yusuf muyibat Avosuahi.