I've been to hell or maybe through it,
Not once, not twice.
The first time I went to hell,
I didn't plan to go there.
I had packaged my fragile heart & given it to a presumed damsel.
She had the looks of an angel but turns out she had a soul with the face of Medusa.
In her hands my heart was broken & returned back in a trash bag.
So you can say the first time, hell was in the silhouette of a woman.
The second time I went to hell,
It was from the house I thought was heaven,
I died by the venom of a serpent.
I answered it's call because I had too much trust.
It's green self laid in the grass that was green.
A person I called friend, my close ally.
It was then I knew how true it was that
the worm that destroys the cola nut lives in it.
My second hell was in trusting a Friend...
The third time I went to hell.
I can't say it was intentional or not but I almost did not come back
for I almost went to the hell beyond this earth.
I felt that death was better than life,
So I became imprisoned in a cell that had depression as it's warden & I daily went on voyages that took me across rivers of rum.
I decided to end it all one day by forming an alliance with the noose
hoping I'd be free from it all but I woke up in a city of light & the angels I saw were in blue and white overalls...
They had stethoscopes around their necks.
Not from hell but from the rehab house, I write...
©Akinwole John Akintayo
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi.