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#DAY 24

'Flat' is what they call me,
Some call me letter 'L' because my feet is the only thing
That's pointing outward on my female bod.
I was told to ignore them, but it's never worked,
Ignoring them only spun them into doing more.


They are not the only ones that detest my look, I do too.
How happy would I be?
If I can change to letter 'P' overnight,
If only I could grow breasts and shut them up.


I admire the figure eights, I won't lie.
God's blessed them beyond measure.
They flaunt themselves at every chance they get
And they are the ones that receive accolades.


I lack most of them figure eights attributes.
The look, the stand that makes them unique,
Where did my body lose the way?
Where was I when they were being blessed with looks?


I dare not say a word in their midst even if want to,
Those words might not be good enough.
I can't stand where they are standing,
I'll be odd, I lack their gaiety.


I don't know what's wrong with my world
Why it is so different from theirs.
I'm getting scared of the day,
It won't stop exposing my ugly flat body.

©Akinwole John Akintayo
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi

