Day 12
Destitute of Vision
I am a wingless bird,
A dirt at the fingertip
I am a ridiculed seed,
Rejected and casted away.
My pillar jilted me, made me an object of ridicule,
I am alone, watching the clumsy night.
Others won't come near cause of an unknown fear,
He caused it but I used to be his dear.
I remember the vows we took,
When I thought 'till death do us part'
Was about the length of our life
Now it seems what the words meant
was until the death of our love do us part.
We walked down the aisle
But it seems like
I was a destitute of vision unlike you
For I did not see the obstacles
Blocking the path to our presumed forever.
Now I'm a haggard being, roaming the streets alone,
I looked at you, amazed at how quick you got over me,
We had a future, something that was meant to be nurtured.
At people's sight, I must smile but cry alone and aloud.
There is a duvet above me but I feel naked,
Mama's hand is around me but hers is not the one I want,
This path scares, I wish I never followed your lead,
Now you return me to the first square but it's to accept the sight.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo