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#DAY 26

At the dusk when the sun sets on my back,
I see their eyes eager to see my shadow leave,
Then their mouths turns into birds beaks,
They dig into me and eat to their satisfaction.

Ill is spoken of me.
Things I mentioned in confidence
and stories I never told them
Are discussed between them, then, all and sundry.

At my sight,
They praise my being
that I can't help but thank my stars for existing.
Pathetic chameleons.

I didn't know few of the ones you dine with,
Will actually want the best for you
For it's in man's nature to envy the heights
Reached by his supposed equal.

My mind was played with and I became vulnerable,
To words and love, the one they showed to my face,
How could I've known they were tricksters?
I fell for words, and I am broken by it.

Gullible I was to think,
That trust was a comodity that
Can never be sold, rather it's the cheapest of all.

I read and believed too much fairytales.

©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
©Akinwole John Akintayo

