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Once upon a time, on the ninth day of the fourth month of a glorious year, the moon rose from behind the clouds to light up the sky, sending silver ripples across every ocean and river. The bells jingled, as the crickets chirped in ecstasy.

Suddenly, an immediate change stepped in. Who didn't hear the whooshing sound of the breeze? Who didn't hear the sound of the rumbling clouds? Who didn't hear the rustling sound of leaves? Who didn't see the continuous lightening in the sky, and the striking thunder?

Nature's music soon became harmonious, when a baby parted his yet to-be-breastfed lips and let out a sharp cry.

Days have become weeks, weeks have become months, months have become years, years have become decades. The boy is a man already; a physician, an author and a leader, setting standards and waving the flag of excellence.

It is another time to celebrate the king we speak of; a time to eat chocolates until our teeth decolorize all day, a time to drink wine to stupor all day, a time eat cakes, assorted meats, rice.

This day comes up once every year, and it has arrived again. We could hear the sound of music as we approach the venue, we could perceive the aroma of various delicacies emanating from the building.

"We are here to celebrate the birthday of our National President, Dr. Ken..." We heard the MC speaking as we walked in majestically.

As we sighted the celebrant from afar, we saw a broad smile on his face. He adjusted on his seat, resting his spectacles on his nose.

As a glutton, my eyes couldn't let my head tell me to wait for him to cut the cake, before having a piece. I stood up and walked past the MC, grinned at the three-step cake and sank my head into second layer, savouring the sweetness.

"Ahhh..." everyone echoed in unison.

Oh, I was yet to do that. It was just an imagination where I sat.

"It's time to cut the cake," the MC said.

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Beautiful! ? 
