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Yesterday, he said, "you lack the skills,
Your structure is not sufficient
For you to go into something like this.
You just won't be efficient."

    "He's having a bad day, right?"
     Was my only inquiring thought.


Not that occurrences like that are new.
My ego: a well smoked meat
lots of people will continue to chew
In a bid to make sure it becomes obsolete.

     But since I don't love fairytales,
     I've held on to AL's travail.


Sometimes back, not only was I rejected,
She also said I should make sure it stops
with her, that I should make use of my head
and stop trying to woo pretty girls.

     Her words felt like bile,
     Except 'love is blind' is erstwhile.


One event almost became my last straw.
"you are a mistake." She had said.
It was really painful but all I did was chaw,
I was already overfed.

     I didn't accept her take.
     She gave birth to the mistake.


If someone asks, can I fix my pride?
"I don't know." I'd say.
Of anybody, I can't say what will betide.
Unbroken is my cliche.

     My pride's been broken into pieces
     I now make use of them apiece.


(AL: Abraham Lincoln)

©Akinwole John Akintayo

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Akinwole John Akintayo

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Creative gesture! ?? 
