Who would have thought I was an ape thirty years ago? I was the lowest in rank, so, I was never treated fairly. I was being chanced when it came to eating of food, finding a mate or finding a resting spot. But something happened to me a night I was out in the field. A ray of bright light shone on me and I began to burn. I ran to a nearby pool to cool off.
I found out few things changed as I stepped out of the pool. The hairs on my body was gone, I was no longer quadrupedal, I was erect and my coarse voice became smooth. I went back to the pool to see my reflection and I saw I was no longer the ape I used to be; I was human.
Going back to my group meant execution, we saw humans as threat and I became one that night. I had to find my way out of the green.
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My first three years of being human was a tough one. People saw me as one who was mentally derailed; I didn't fancy wearing of cloths, although, I understood a little bit of English, I spoke "ape language". The only place I got free food was from trash cans as people didn't show kindness to a naked man.
I thought I received salvation when the Federal Government decided to wipe persons with mental illness off the street. I was taken to a psychiatric home but later moved to a private medical facility after they found out I wasn't sick. They made me go under the knife once every two months. I became a lab rat for the sake of research.
They came to a conclusion that my brain was two of Einstein's and Tesla's brains combined after working on me for four years. I was placed under the taxon "Homo cephalosapiens" which meant " The thinking man with a complicated brain".
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I escaped the facility when I found out I was to be eliminated. They believed there was many of my kind and that their species was in the brink of extinction. Even when they were the threat, they saw me as the threat. Humans are fond of playing victims of circumstance.
©Aminu Abdulmumeen
Hmmm.. ?