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F3 vs F4 (Temi Vs Joshua) Text

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F3 vs F4 (Text)


You have 10 minutes to produce at least 100 words in response to the following question.


Write a "recipe for happiness". 


Your time starts now! Submit on or before 20:44 (GMT+1).


All the best!


ANSA… for the love of writing

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The best dishes many times follow a recipe; a blend of ingredients. The delicate mix of ingredients prepared with a touch of soul and care, attention and confidence tends to give a rich and fulfilling flavor that lingers on the taste buds for long after the last spoon of the meal. Such is happiness, like a dish that everyone craves.

To start, you got to add a bowl of gratitude. Of course, do take lots of time to sprinkle in your heart thoughts of appreciation of all around you.

Next, you can add the ravish peppery flavor of adventure and courage. Mix in that daring natural sauce to seek out opportunity to explore the goodness of life.

As the mixture takes shape add a pinch of gentleness of response. Life is full of ups and downs but a gentle response preserves happiness. 

Finally, add generosity to the mix and watch out how they come out as a rich, satisfying whole.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Anonymous

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  • Avocado, thyme, lavender;

Here are three ways to ensure you laugh better.

Ignore the ingredients aforementioned

And listen to my words they will take you to a new dimension.


"Do the things you enjoy"

As this will bring you joy.

Humans that bring you pain,

From them you must abstain.


Do not keep your hopes up,

Lest it falls.

Trust no one,

Not even me that talks.

Cause men are bound to fail and when they do it will leave you pale.

I know I said three,

But I need you to see,

That no one can and should be trusted.

This is how you stay happy.







This post was modified 2 years ago by Anonymous
