E3 vs E4 (Text)
You have 10 minutes to produce at least 100 words in response to the following question.
What is the craziest thing you think you might see someday in the future? How old do you think you'll be when it happens?
Your time starts now! Submit on or before 20:30 (GMT+1).
All the best!
ANSA… for the love of writing
The craziest thing I think i might see someday is flying cars. Call it common or possible but I find it too crazy. It has been quite sometime now that people have been talking about flying cars and the thought of it makes me wonder how crazy people might be willing to go to make it happen.
Many people find it cool and are wishing for it to happen but I don't like it. The mere thought of having to own flying car personally. Like, literally flying in the air by ourselves, with our family or so. It's just too crazy and dangerous. I might probably be 60 years when that happens because technology is a force to reckon with.
The setting is a jungle, most likely in the thick rain forests of west Africa.
The trees are tall and closely packed, with cool evening breeze making the environment really serene.
I'm in the company of other tourists and wildlife guards.
While we are waiting for a moment of magic, It’s not like magic with wands and enchantments, or wizards and witches, or flying broomsticks and snitches. But magical in a sense that you get to see some wonder and action.
Then finally, two lionesses give chase to several deers. It was an intense pursuit. The deers ran for dear life; you could tangibly feel the energy.
As it turned out, the passion of the lionesses was more intense and they were able to catch one of the deers. And oh! How they devoured the poor animal. That will really be a crazy experience for me and I definitely won't be able to take my eyes off. I think this experience will happen three or four years from now when I decide to take a wild life trip.