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A3 vs A4 (Joseph vs Joy) Text

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A3 vs A4 (Text)


You have 10 minutes to produce at least 100 words in response to the following question.


Today's youth are sometimes perceived as tech-savvy, optimistic and accepting. Other times, they are perceived as spoiled, coddled and lazy, more interested in checking Instagram than in bearing down and working hard. Discuss the general characteristics of your generation. 


Your time starts now! Submit on or before 21:07 (GMT+1).


All the best!


ANSA… for the love of writing

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  • My generation is indeed a blessed one, one with so much capabilities, with a lot of tech saving skills to pull through an evolving world filled with so much uncertainties and difficulties.
    My generation could pass for a blessed one, with an incredible youth oriented mindsets, who are eager to transform their world with their innumerable resources and talents, we are dogger yet resilient, and this is what the world sees as impudence and lack of respect.
    We are graced, yet so purposeful and they call it laziness. My generation is a whole lot more than we are defined to be, and so it's time for us to define ourselves as who we are and not who they think that we are.

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Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. Being young is, ultimately facing challenges and creating or recreating a space for future full development. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society.
Today, on the International Youth Days, youths are celebrated for their visions and choices.
A predictable sequence of physical changes occur both male and female transiting from childhood to youth age. This includes changes in body proportions, rapid skeletal growth and appearance of hairs in the underarms, on the chest, private place.
The mental power of youth at early stage is rapidly unfolding with an awakening self awareness and an increased desire for knowledge. They love to read and talk, especially to each other. They advance on intellectual fronts; they dream and use imaginations a lot. The reasoning power and judgment are growing but are limited by experience.
