A3 vs A4 (Image)
For the image attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.
Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:33 (GMT+1).
All the best!
ANSA… for the love of writing
Running away from troubles, and then I realize it's all in vain,
The bridge that once held it up in place, has fallen out of place,
The road that once led us to safety, all broken, now left in ruin.
Where do I run to?
Where do I go to?
The solitude I was felt, now in shatters,
The path I was so certain of has been blurred, as I can no longer cross over to my safe haven.
Who will come to my rescue?
Whose arms of strength will hold me up to cross over this valley,
Who will I call to?
To stretch forth his arms, guiding me through this broken path.
According to Tai Solarin, a renowned scholar from Ogun State, he stated in one of his books "May your way be rough". According to him, our success depends on the amount of risk we are ready to take. He said, Man should not give up easily to life adventures especially the Africans. In his book, he compared the risk taken by the Europeans in their middle age by comparing an African man at the same age who gives up easily to life.
From the image, the man on a journey with a bicycle comes across a dangerous terrain. If he stops there, it means that he has already given up and has failed to make progress hence he will return back to where he came from. If he continues and succeeds in crossing the dangerous part of the road, he will be crowned a winner.
Joseph Samuel