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A3 vs A4 (Joseph vs Joy) Audio

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A3 vs A4 (Audio)


For the audio attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.


Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:58 (GMT+1).


All the best!


ANSA… for the love of writing

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Maynah

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The environment is an essential part of human life, as we all survive and coexist in our environment. The environment plays a vital role on our human existence and so it is therefore important that we ensure that we take a good care of everything that concerns our environment.
Our lives are made up of our decisions, the choices we make and the factors that make up our environment, we are to ensure that deliberate steps are taken in order to facilitate proper living and foster healthy environmental conditions.
It is of utmost importance that we decide to make it a core part of our lives by ensuring that adequate care and caution is taken with regards to the proper upbringing of everything that surrounds is, which makes up our environment.

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Human environment is believed to be a vital issue in humans lives. Environmental issues keep climbing our global list of priorities, dwarfing all other concerns. Now, it's only a question of dealing with our most pressing environmental concerns such as; Pollution, Deforestation, Water, biodiversity and climate change.
-. Water: Water pollution is, of course, a significant concern, as our dependence on water forms one of our most crucial interactions with the natural environment.
- Pollution: Now, we've already put a spotlight on water pollution, but what of the other forms of pollution besetting the natural environment? All types of pollution, and environmental concerns, are interlinked and influence one another. So, we need to tackle them all.
Climate change: As pointed out by a recent UN report, our planet will suffer drastically from global warming. Therefore, there is a need to show much concern towards alleviating the effects of climate change.
Joseph Samuel
