A2 vs A4 (Audio)
For the audio attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.
Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:29 (GMT+1).
All the best!
ANSA… for the love of writing
Oil is seen as one of the world's leading mineral resource that's known for its contributing index in a nation's economic sector due to its large gross domestic product.
A reduction in oil price will be seen as a good development, as it makes room for much more profit margin to get actualized, seeing that a reduction in price will mean more investors in the oil sector.
Oil is essential as it seen as one of the most important raw materials for the production of other necessary products, and so a reduce in price will lead to a higher yield of these other side products
A reduction in the oil prices in the world economy will no doubt have more good benefits than the bad.
For one, crime rates are at a higher chance of going down as one will not need to break the bank (literally) to afford oil.
Secondly, the impact it will have will also be on transport fare. Transport becomes affordable to those who take commercial buses because oil which is the energy of vehicles will now be easy to own.
Oil benefits all and economists, governments and the private sectors need to work together to level the prices for the benefit of mankind.