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E2 vs E4 (Jerry vs Tosin) Text

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E2 vs E4 (Text)


You have 10 minutes to produce at least 100 words in response to the following question.


Pets are not people. After all dogs don't go to school and cuts don't hold down jobs. But pet owners often consider their dogs and cats to be members of their family. In what ways are pets like people and in what ways are they not?


Your time starts now! Submit on or before 20:22 (GMT+1).


All the best!


ANSA… for the love of writing

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Pets – especially cats and dogs are similar to human in that they can come to adopt human emotions and tendencies. 

According to Ivan Pavlov, repeating and pairing certain activities tend to create a certain response in these animals.
Their dissimilarity from humans however is pronounced in features and characters which most times can be overlooked. Such as: furs, claws their inability to utter audible words. As the saying goes– love is blind.
These barriers are however not tangible since we humans tend to communicate effectively more by actions than words and these pets mirror these characters.
Similarity of pets to humans and more closely family can be appreciated because they know how to identify and empathize with their owners.
As stroking their soft fur is also a means of reliving stress by means similar to hugs.
This post was modified 2 years ago by Anonymous

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  • Pets are animals that serve as a campanion to humans and are made to be loyal to us. I would definitely agree that they are very helpful to keep us busy, comforted and loved. Dogs on this hand, are the closest pet to humans and the love we get from them is amazing, ranging from emotional support to physical support which we humans give ourselves, but  they can't serve as a replacement for humans beings that they are lower animals and won't be able to communicate and relate the same way humans do like talking, reasoning, solving problems and even mating. 
