E2 vs E3 (Audio)
For the audio attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.
Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:39 (GMT+1).
All the best!
ANSA… for the love of writing
Unbridled social media churn and burn
Digital dust that we all yearn
Once started, no one can ever learn
What impact for the company it will earn.
Negative reviews doth plague the day
Leaving question marks all the way
Sinking fortunes for companies true
Lacking strategies for Qs two.
Catastrophic brand image follows
Scams popping up like willowmallows
The moral here is clear and sure,
For reputation all must endure.
Steady strategy and firm control
Along with response rules set in mold
Awareness of the social space
Can help brands too, their profits grace.
The time spent online,
Promotes their gaming throne.
Negligence of business,
Ultimately leads to a loss.
Social media bewitches,
Brands begin to twitch,
Loss of focus is seen,
Business falls apart at the seam.
Social media and related technology can only positively affect the business performance of a company. Truly, Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop anew where few have dared to go, media and information can certainly secure this.
From advertisement to overall organization.
Nowadays, everybody is engulfed in social media – you, me, the young, the old. One critical approach to render effective business operations is to reach customers right where they are, which includes locating social networking outlets that can be used by a particular company.
Technology will certainly be a major factor in how business in the future differs from businesses of today, hence social media is truly beneficial to the performance of companies. Hence, there is a clarion call that is geared towards adopting new technologies, but it also means giving up on archaic attitudes about what constitutes business success.
I conclude with this:
"Social Media is a light to the mind
Dispelling the darkness that blinds
The lassitude inclined
Replacing with an aura benign
And tuned-up eloquence divine
Having mystical worlds unwind
In a cumbersome bitter-sweet align".