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A2 vs A3 vs A4 (Text)

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A2 vs A3 vs A4 (Text)


You have 10 minutes to produce at least 100 words in response to the following question.


What should be done about the Gender Pay Gap in sports?


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ANSA… for the love of writing

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Gender pay gap in sports is no news, as it has been going on for centuries now and nothing has been done to salvage the whole situation.

It is of top most priority to note that equity isn't practiced, although equality isn't the bone of contention. We should treat everyone accordingly irrespective of gender and only give preferences if the need arises and not based on male/female prejudice. 

The world of sports, is one that should have fair play amidst irregularities, as it is one way people get to express themselves, showcase their talents and make profit while pursuing their passion.

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Women and girls are allowed to partake in sports. However, there's more to be done to balance the field for both men and women in sports. Chief among them is the gender pay gap. Here're two ways we can achieve that:


Change in policies. Laws have to be on the side of equality for justice to reign. 

Empowerment schemes have to be taken everywhere. While it's important to change laws, it's also important to change cultural attitudes. People ought to know that women's sports don't occupy any less position than men's. 

Slowly but surely we'll get to that society where women can dream and their dreams come to pass.


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Closing The Gender Gaps in Sports The gender pay gap exists in almost every industry, and sports are no exception. But between particular sports, there are vast discrepancies in pay for men and women, ranging from tennis, where pay is comparable in terms of winnings, to cricket, football and hockey where the pay gap is a minimum of 10 folds. People should develop interest in women sports to enhance their payment. The media should also try not to discriminate against women sports by making them to have a wider television coverage. This also includes the radio media. Women should also embark on more interests in football than other games and with this, most people are interested in football than any other games.

Joseph Samuel
