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Night had fallen, the cloud rumbled, the symphony of crickets chirped, as wind forced the trees to sway from side to side, rustling the leaves. Alice was oblivious to nature's music, she laid flat in bed, staring at her boyfriend's picture that hung on the wall as tears blurred her vision.
Words of regrets clouded her mind, and soon she began to soliloquize.

"Should I really blame him, or am I to blame? Gideon and I met at the University and was my course mate. After a year of him not backing off me, I decided to give him a chance to date me. Month after month, the love between us grew stronger. I felt like he was my man even though I was just seventeen years of age. He showered me with what I call the perfect love and was always there for me when I needed him. What didn't he do for me? He got me a lot of material things, he introduced me to his friends--- both male and female, and gave me pecks and warm hugs. With all of this getting into my head, I dropped in my academic performance, I felt it was no big deal since there wasn't a big difference to my previous score," she sat up in bed.

"Time went by and I began to crave for kisses. I needed to feel his soft lips which brushed past my cheeks, but not my lips. Every night, I held the pillow very close to my heart and shut my eyes, having imaginations of us engaging in it and even going to the 'extreme.' Each time I did that, I rolled in bed and mumbled romantic words like he was with me in the activity. A couple days passed and I couldn't hold it anymore, I needed to feel those succulent lips of his on mine," Alice supported her jaw with her hands underneath.

"I finally asked him why he never attempted to kiss me. He said he felt I wouldn't want it and was trying not to offend me. After his response, he looked away and moistened his lower lip. I stared at the gleaming lip and wanted to have a taste of it. I told him that I wouldn't have been offended, and that he was my man, anyway. There was a moment of silence as we both stared at each other. He made the first move by drawing closer to me, and I closed the distance between us," she shut her eyes as tears streamed down.

"He had his arms around my waist and his head slightly bent to the left in slow motion. I moved mine the opposite direction and shut my eyes as I savour his lower lip in mine. This switched to tonguing and necking. With a couple minutes gone, he stopped and looked deep into my eyes. It was like I didn't know what I was doing---I was lost in it. _'I want you'_ escaped my lips," she clasped the bedsheet, let out a sigh and hummed heavily.

"Anyway, the event was happening on a Saturday night at his place, so I wanted him at all costs. When I had satisfied my short term appetite, I felt silly about the activity. It was like a blindfold was taken off my eyes. I was ashamed to look at him. He lifted up my head with his index and said he enjoyed me and that we could do it more often so neither of us cheat each other. He said I shouldn't even feel bad about it, and that we just weren't selfish. He then whispered in my ear, 'We only helped each other out.' That said, he got into the realm of naughty talks, as we made love again," Alice got hold of the pillow and flung it.

Feeling pained, her voice went up this time.

"At the end of it, I felt bad again as I believed that I wasn't in my right senses! I cried, but he slept off! Before the cock crowed, I had gotten to my place. Throughout that day, the event didn't get out of my head and I couldn't even study well! Five days passed and I had the feelings building up again. I---I---I wanted sex!"

Apata Victor

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