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Mumeen Ameen
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Bolaji's head was rested against the bathroom wall as if lost in deep thought. He tried to make accounts of the struggles he had made before he finally became successful.

When Bolaji was five, his parents left him with his grandmother because they were unable to cater for his daily needs. His grandmother didn't have much but there was enough to keep Bolaji going.

At the age of nineteen, Bolaji's grandmother expired. Few people believed his grandmother's death was as a result of a spiritual attack even when the doctor had revealed she died of breast cancer.

Bolaji was devastated. He had expected his grandmother to pay his tuition fee the week she died. He never had the intention of being a secondary school dropout. But he stopped schooling as he couldn't afford the fees.

Months after his grandmother's death, things became hard for him. He barely ate the three square meal his grandmother initially provided him with and he was given a Quit Notice by his landlady. Several calls made to his parents to come pick him up was fruitless as they never came.

Bolaji became homeless at the age of twenty. He slept in the market where he also acted as a 'beast of burden' to the traders who in turn rewarded him for his services. He still had the intention to become an electrical engineer but needed to register for his Senior Secondary Certificate Examination first.

After saving and payinf the amount needed for the examination, he stopped working so he could focus more on study.

Months later, he sat for the examination and came out in flying colours. He decided to keep working in the market so he could have enough money to propel him 'school-ward'.

He worked for three years before having a change of mind about schooling. Bolaji decided to become a small scale entrepreneur. After four years of practice, his business flourished and it earned him more profits.

Bolaji recovered from his trance. He had a cold bath before spending the rest of the night with his wife.

©Aminu Abdulmumeen

Prominent Member Admin
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Posts: 862

Story too shallow...
