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I'm I guilty?

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I stand out as the accused,
"you are guilty!", my heart said to me
"Are you guilty?", the judge asked me in front of the whole crowd. From my position I could see mum, da
d, sisters, brothers, friends, where's he? I asked myself looking at the crowd.

I've been so good and all perfect until, Titus walked into my life, I'm this classic good girl with so much sauce but everyone knew I was that good girl
and wanted me for their sons, others wished I were their daughter..............

I dated Titus for reasons best known to me, for the money actually, "weren't you satisfied with the money your parents gave you?", you know what...I was, but i felt Titus would give me more, cause he was all comfortable and I wasn't dating at that isn't as if I've never dated, I have dated but then I've never really had a man that I'll gladly give myself to, allow to go deep into my heart,....but Titus did, how did he?

He wasn't the sweet boyfriend, he doesn't call me regularly, he doesn't act all sweet, he claimed to be busy, busy, I was the one doing all the calling, the messages, I felt obsessed about this guy, if I'm at work, I thought of him, if I'm lonely, "Titus", in tears "Titus", everything was just him, I was obsessed by this guy, no one knew this actually, everyone thought it was just me been me, quiet, spending time alone, but twas more than that....

"I'm so sorry", he said to me the day we met, kissing me and holding me close, I've missed him a lot, I forgave him instantly, we had a good time together, all the kisses, romance but not sex, I couldn't give him that, it was way too much......"why not? I want to have sex with you...."
"I'm not ready for it", these were my lines, truth is I didn't want to do it, I was keeping it for my husband.
"You have to be babe, I don't want to cheat on you...."
"aren't you doing that already?"
"I ain't, I swear it", he'll say and try to go inside of me but I won't agree...."I can't, I'm sorry...this just feels totally wrong, I want to do this with my husband on my wedding day.... can't we wait till then?"
Titus would look at me, "It doesn't make any difference, if we do it now.... we'll still get married..."

I actually didn't believe that, I usually gave myself the hope, that he was the right one but I knew deep down in my heart that Titus wasn't the guy for me, I returned home around to nine, my mum wasn't vexed as she knew I wasn't the type to go out but she called me that day and talked with me, she wanted to know whom I'm going out with,
"you know you've never brought any guy to this house to show me as your boyfriend"
"Mum....I don't have a boyfriend"
"Who is this person you're going to once a week...."
"A friend, nothing serious yet but if it turns out serious I'll tell you...", I said and went to my room.

The days event played back in my mind. "I can't have sex with Titus" "I can't", I told myself, I knelt down to pray, asking God to forgive me of all my sins, but I wasn't convinced that I had repented because I knew that the next time I meet Titus, we'll still sin again....."Sin?, Boyfriend?", I couldn't tell anyone about it, I need to work on this...

"why can't we have a relationship without sin coming in?"

"why can't we have a relationship without these stuffs? As in why?"

© Oshafunmi Omolola (Shypopiee)

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Word count (629 words) exceeds the recommended limit (300-500).

Story needs a lot of editing, beginning with the title. Should be, 'Am I guilty?', not 'I'm I guilty?'
