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' The first time I lived, 

Was when I was delivered of, 

Forced down here, 

With tears on my face, 

That day the beginning of my end' 

I read from maverick's erring existence(a poem) pathetically as if I was sorry for myself. The look on my face wasn't the best in days. I didn't bother, 'sophia's presence would change it' I said, silently tho James still managed to hear. 

'Have you guys defined this? ' he asked before answering his own question, 'I think you guys should just confess your love and stop fooling around'. 

 I didn't answer and he stopped talking. Whenever I didn't reply, i wasn't ready for discussion, he knew that, vividly and he had to seal his lips; routine. I dressed quickly, reached for the comb, i wasn't going to forget that. Sophia liked my black curly hair but I didn't care about it. I hate combing, not really but because, i mostly forgot to do it. 


 I stormed out of the house, saying goodbye to James in a distant voice, whether he heard or not, i didn't know. Normally, i wouldn't have done that if not for the thought of Sophia that excited me - that euphoria! 


 I was there, our venue for the night, it was silent and only good wind travelled in the area, the ambience was nice, fitting for such meeting. I started roaming, 'where could she be? '

'You're late again', I heard a voice from behind. It was becoming more of a greeting, that's what I heard first whenever we met. That thought nauseated me, she came closer, her lips widened a bit. 

' Do you have a comb? '

I was weak. ' ehm, ehm.. '

'Give it here' she ordered 

'Here ma'am' I teased. 

She got behind me, placed her hand on my head and the rest was history, i was lost in myself and I felt motion in my head. As if she felt the vibration in my head, she broke my thoughts 'I'm done, have your comb' she said smiling. 


 It was now I was able to see her completely. She was like a marquise, her long braids rested on the back of her neck, and her stockings went in high into her thighs, as far as her 'knees-shy' skirt could reveal. My eyes had an eyeful already, her gaze caught mine and I was shy once more. My heart was clear, i only wanted Sophia. 


 I smiled again before i started, ensuring she was with me. 

'I do not know what the day may bring because I'm not God, nor the phenomenon makes the sun shines. What i know is that I have a heart that calls only for you. If needs be, i would clear other things there so it'd occupy you comfortably, and... '

She came closer, ending my flow of words and all I could see was her eyes and then, darkness. Her tongue reached for mine, i didn't hesitate, i was wild. I held her so tight although I trembled. I could hear a giggle In my brains, perhaps she knew I was an amateur. Maybe this was the paradise James always talked about! 


© Aj maverick 

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Ajmaverick


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Needs a lot of editing!

Always begin the dialogue with double quotation marks (""), not single ('').

"My eyes had an eyeful already..."

Above statement doesn't sound right. Consider, "My eyes had had its full."

Several other grammatical misappropriations are evident in the text. 


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