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Evil Hearts

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Mumeen Ameen
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The lecture hall was scanty and it looked like the expected lecturer wasn't going to present himself. Tired of sitting, I determined to take a walk in the hall and also make some friends. My steps could still be counted when something magnetic attracted my metallic gaze.

It was a book. Boldly written on it was 'Origin'. It wasn't Charles Darwin's but Dan Brown's Origin. "A great author he is." I said as I got closer to the being wielding the book. "Unfortunately, only few people here reads his work." I got a reply. "A beautiful voice from a beautiful one." I thought. "I'm Sochima." She said with her right arm extended. We locked palms. "Mumeen" I replied followed by a friendly smile.

"So, what do you know about Dan Brown?" She started a conversation after we've both been silent for a while. "I'm going to be brief as possible." I said confidently. "Really?" She made the 'go on' gesture. "Uhm, Dan Brown creates a world of his own, brings you in and make you feel like a citizen of a particular country." "Hmm!" She exclaimed. Then I continued; "His work is not for the gullible ones. Especially 'Angels and Demons' and that one." I pointed to the book she was holding. "I almost believed everything written in Origin." I concluded. She simpered then said "Where do we come from?" I replied; "Where are we going?" We both sniggered. I could tell we were into each other. The presence of the awaited lecturer ruined the moment. I gave her a wink then returned to my previous seat.

The lecturer was right in front of me but was invisible. My eyes were clouded by Sochima's image. Her glittering eyes, her siren voice and her love for Dan Brown made my heart flutter. A second, she was my crush; the next, I was in love. I sent her a not which read:

"Why should I keep searching for treasures
When your eyes are pure crystals
When your siren voice drowns unsuspecting sailors
When your beauty got me frozen
You are Medusa
And me the son of Zeus
I come for your head not
But for your pumping heart"

I had the paper passed to her. She read and smiled at each line. She wrote back.

"So sweet of you. Sadly, I have a boyfriend. But do hope for a breakup; I'll definitely be yours. - Medusa"

My brain flickered like a faulty lightbulb. "I'll surely hope for a breakup." I said in a whisper.

©Aminu Abdulmumeen

Member Customer
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 283

Nice one. 


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Needs a lot of editing! 
