Young and Beautiful 1.
she grew up in her mother's love
she was admired by many
she was beautiful in speech and being
she was charming...
young men chased her...but
she ignored the young men
she didn't trust love,.not after what happened with her mother,
her father jilted her mum
he went off with another woman
she was careful in love...
she actually never loved
Mother believed love was weakness..
A party, she was very happy,
she dressed her best,
in her short pink gown,
she looked like a Queen
she walked into the hall with her friend's,
they got the attention of many,
He saw her,
he kept his drink and looked at her
she was talking with her friends,
she was the brightest of all
he had his eyes on her
she won his heart.
He walked towards her,
He spoke to her,
She was a friendly lady...
They talked for a long time,
The party was over, he offered to take her home..she declined,
They exchanged phone numbers
He thought about her all through the night, his thoughts wouldn't leave her,..
He looked at the picture they had taken and smiled as he closed his eyes and slept
She thought of him, she found him attractive and loving, she closed her eyes to sleep and promised not to think on him...
She woke up to her alarm,
she had to prepare for school, quickly, she jumped into the bathroom, dressed up, went downstairs for breakfast,
she checked her phone as she ate and saw his message,
she smiled beautifully as she read the beautiful good morning message....
She told her friends about him,
they were happy to see she was falling for a man again,...
He was standing near his car, waiting for her, she had agreed to go out with him...
He sighted her with her friends, talking happily, he dialed her number,
"he's calling" she said to her friends,they laughed at her as she picked the call,
she looked ahead and saw him, she smiled shyly, as he waved at her.....
They spent time together,
He took her out everyday
She enjoyed his company,
He enjoyed hers and loved been with her...
She soon lost interest in her education, as she missed classes,
mother wasn't happy about it, but she never listened...
she had all the things she wants, so why should she bother on graduating....
her friend's talked to her as well but she didn't take college any serious...
she spent late nights on phone,
late nights out, partying, shopping, eating out...
"Bring him home", mother said to her one evening, she was actually surprised and happy,
mother longed to meet the man who had won her daughter's heart
© Shypopiee
Oshafunmi Omolola
Looks more like a poem...