I had a dream today. It's one of the most awkward dreams someone will ever tell you or that you'll ever have yourself. The events in the dream made me believe one of the hypothesises on dreams that says, "Dreams are an extension of our thoughts and actions in our sleep."
The truth is, yesterday was a bad day for me. Vivian, my girlfriend of five years that I was planning to propose to broke up with me. The most painful part of the occurrence was that, with all my investments which includes time and money, I never had sex with her. Whenever I brought up the topic of sex, her usual reply would be "Not yet" and yet she dumped me.
So you can agree with me that I wished her bad throughout yesterday and my thoughts were based on how I could make her pay for what she did.
Back to my dream. In that ridiculous dream, people like me and you became fowls, chickens to be specific. So, if you are male, you were one of the cocks that crowed in my dream this morning while the females were the hens.
I can't really say how the other cocks felt like in my dream but my sexual urge skyrocketed, I could not control myself and since it's a natural thing for cocks to mount hens, I went on a mounting spree. I literally accorded my self the pleasure of having chicken sex.
You know I hated myself for my acts in that dream but when I saw a hen that had the golden color and angelic face of Vivian my regrets flew away. I stretched my two legs and aggressively chased her, 'oh Vivian is a runner'. I chased and chased before I finally caught up with her but immediately I tried to mount her, crows from my fellow cocks distracted me and I woke up to see concerned faces of my roommates.
"You scared us," Ayo my close friend had said.
"Your legs were vibrating while you were sleeping and we were all shouting your name before you finally woke up."
"You guys are enemies of progress, so you were the ones crowing." I had replied.
"Crowing?" They chorused
Vivian called me some minutes ago and she said she regretted her words yesterday. Asked me if we could continue with our relationship. I agreed and I didn't even bother to ask why she changed her mind.
Thank God I didn't mount her in my dream, I've decided to wait until we are married...
©Akinwole John Akintayo.