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Of all years, strange and surprising,

shot into her bossom at the demise of the previous.

Borrowed some umbrella for the sun rising,

but couldn't get a sweater for the cold.

You were like an unexpected visitor,

that I had to buy for a shirt and sock.

for when even dying is unplanned,

the grave feels unease and scared!


Treading slowly in a gusty path, 

Full of thorn and tastes of bliss, 

In my cave of unknown faith, 

I hope and pray it comes to bless,

Again mould line so flat, 

The end comes before our eyes.


I made ready for the long journey,

I wished it be nice, I was as the just coming Johnny.

I lent my face to the sun and bright stars,

for hope is cheap even when grim lurks the view.

Twas coarse, ridden in chaos and skewed!

It became a test for the moon through a long night,

she must not sleep if she must be a light!

Now here is the noon, the last day came so soon!


We cry over big little things, 

For the glitters caved in misery, our cheeks drew lines,

We searched for oils to mine between our walls,

The yet to come was where our hope lies, 

The sky swept away the blue that beautifies,

Then it jumps in our lives, oh the worst of nightmares, 

It happened before our eyelid, alas we are the children of faith.


And after the giants strides and ventures,

the clock heralds an end to a continuing tock.

Some dreams dreamt smiles at this end,

others seen like a morning star ended dead.

Fierce winds blew on the soft, fleshly reed,

but like the iroko, she stands a strong breed!

Where we are may not be where we want,

but it is certainly not where we were!


The rising sand rose with the feet,

Taking us to a clear sky and wet fruit, 

The twinkles in stars shines to beautify faces, 

Backing others and forcing out shadows, 

Our awaited faith sits on our laps,

The big festival is a friend of whom he wishes.


Now I've clinched the blind man's wish,

a little light through his pupillary tunnel.

Unsure if heaven will ever smile in time,

but I know there is a thick cloud formed

and the downpour will be fierce and hot.

Hoping, the new year will be all of bliss,

if I never allow my hopes the leap to fall!


Welcome human doom and destiny, 

Leave a date at the top of my lap, 

Be my lasting true friend and never an enemy, 

Even on my easy path do leave a map, 

You must be blissful cause your eve was lightning,

In open arms and heart, welcome oh New Year.


Ben James et Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi


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Posts: 289

Well done Bards!

