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Paradox Of Murder

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*Paradox of Murder*


When is it murder?
Is it when a foetus is fed with a cyanide
So it would remain unborn?
Is it when you pull the trigger
In defence of the borderline?


Is it only murder when lives are taken ?
Is it not murder when dreams of virginity are taken ?
Is it not murder when one disregards the marital oaths
that were on the altar taken?
What exactly is murder?


Is it murder when one hangs lifelessly from a noose
All in the name of justice?
Is it murder when a living carrion - sleeper cell
Detonates the death cell,
And leads a congregation to death cell?


Murder, complex in its paradox
Indeed nobody owns life
But one strong enough to move
Can easily be the landlord of death
Why is it murder when I kill
But service when the man on uniform does so?
When the driving force for both was selfishness.


Is it murder when death takes the offspring of mother
Without taking permission from either her or father?
Maybe death is murder, but definitely, it pangs are lethal.
Murder is something more than cessation of breath
Something equivalent to taking dreams
Something equivalent to destroying potentials.



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Posts: 289


Great one guys
