Its election year !!!
With sounds of campaign jingles in the street
And mothers crying for not another bloodbath
"Don't talk to anyone in the road" fills the air
Stories of abducted women and children
Fill the air
Mothers call out to their angels and handle them with caution
Our daughters got their perfume stolen
Got lost, and eat from the pot of misery
Papa gnashes, oh Lord! Not another blood bath
Whoof! It's here again
The echo rings out again
The minors tremble in the valley of fear
They kneel with hands clasped
As they cry out; dear Lord, it's here again
And with trembling lips they declare,
Not another blood bath!
Violence fills the street
The sounds of sirens and lights
Yet the stories are the same
Ballots stolen and youths gunned down
All for ascension of power
Its yet another time
But we ask for Not another bloodbath
Fortune Ikechi and Adielechi Francisca Mmesoma
Very nice poem with strong message and unique writing style.
Nice one guys.