(Poetry Collabo by Ganiyu Taofeek and Emmanuel Adefisayo )
Sometimes I fight hard to win you a poem
But I stumble at the move of words
Your face seems plausible
and your skin golden
But when I stare directly into your eyes
They colour my mind
with the speechlessness of a blank sheet
Dried by the want of words to scribe
But I guess I'm not good enough
My voice would crack like a toad's
If I dare to lift high the lyrics of your praise
Perhaps, I'm really not good enough,
Like my ex would make me feel,
And can't discern the truth of your beauty;
the sacredness of your soul
Perhaps I'm too daft to acknowledge
That you're priceless.
Except that I'm no good in telling tales
I would recount how your smiles charmed my affections
I'm neither attractive nor to be wanted
Lest I flaunt my wits in seductive hymns
I can't be loved without being jilted
So how can I venture to ask
That you take a ride with my heart?
I'm sure I'm not good enough!
And so I fear
That my poem will paint a crumbled image
Of your enviable goodness.
Ganiyu Taofeek
You know best that I don't deserve you.
You make every moment so intense and new
And you take my mistakes for beautiful imperfections.
I remember the first day we met,
How bright in awe it was and hard to forget.
I wish I could tell you more about the hurt
That our hearts houses like it were a hut.
Climbing up the heights of love is suicidal,
Staying down it's valley makes our feeling ephemeral.
We never get the love we deserve
Even when we find our equal halves.
You came into my life with a lamp
So dim that it didn't measure up to an amp,
While I came into yours with a twinkling gloom.
It was expected of us to walk in the valley of the shadows of death,
But we live in the unapproachable light.
Don't ever feel you're not good enough
For you made my wandering heart find its wharf.
Whenever you say you're not good enough,
It feels like you're yet to put off
The ragged regalia of your past love.
Emmanuel Adefisayo
©Ganiyu Taofeek and Emmanuel Adefisayo
This is good!
I like poems been broken into stanzas at most 5-6 lines. I feel dizzy when reading poems that are not been broken down.
It's good though.