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Val U-Turn [Value Turn]

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A dribble of tears escapes my iris
flowing down my cheeks,
they water the engraved valleys.

Why did you all of a sudden say no?
You were always all ears,
synergizing our vibes and verves,
not until I said yes,
and my body I served.

When I came to your crib,
I thought it that val was to add value

to our love story, so I agreed to val you.
Now you know I'm flat-chested
after you've unhooked and fondled,
did the feelings deflect or did it deplete?
Maybe it was a mission complete.

Maybe it was mere deceit,
or just another movie repeat.
Maybe just another turnover
like your yearly profit.

Maybe all along I was a cast
in a movie I thought was real,
but at the end of the scene
after you've committed the sin,
I fell more in love with
my memories than the
person right in front of me.

Maybe it was just another dream that
I felt would never end,

a fairy tale that I expected its
Happily-Ever-After end,
but after I got laid like your bedding,
It was nothing but a reverse comedy.
©Emmanuel Adefisayo
—Shomade Abdulazeez.

Prominent Member Admin
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Posts: 862

Nicely written...  ? 
