Forever is everyday in the land of love,
Love in nothingness,love aplomb,
Everyday is warmth by the heat of your smile,
Taking this love by the mile.
Let me skip a heartbeat to the ears of yours,
Come closer than the breathes of mine,
Let me love you like it will never end
Hold me tight ,fold me in your arms and we amend.
There's an inkling of serenity everyday with You,
A feeling of gentleness papered with euphoria,
I wake up in your affections that never cease,
Our hands intercalated gracing the evening breeze.
In this silence i heard the sweetest whisper creeping all over me
The moon light is celebrating our love with stars sprinkling overwhelm
I will cuddle every part of you where i belong,
Let me love you to the fullest with all the purity i hold all long.
The winds glided down the outline of our apparel,
The winds became winds of unending love,
The winds communed with the waters and stars,
Our love became worldwide arts.
I am all yours on this land and the heavens above appealing,
Our love will testify the ages with each curve of moon's lining,
The way your love has carved me no other can clarify,
In my soul i owe you the infinity of love through which wonders qualify.
©Ikpeme kanong and Huda Tariq
The 'You' in S3L2 should be in small letters. The 'moon light' in S4L3 should be one word.
True sir,
will edit them thoroughly next time
Sir its moon's lining, not moonlight :/
The write-up says 'moon light'...