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They say the sun will get to shine again
They say the winds will blow in the right direction again,
They say someday we'll be free
and our pride regain
So they claim, but we're still here
Watching with the unspoken question hanging on our lips

They say we'll walk on grains beneath our foot,
and as abundant as the sand we'll find food,
but hitherto, they've only pulled over our eyes, wool,
So we stand vigilant, lest we are made fools.

Endlessly waiting for a new dawn
Inevitably becoming Fate's pawns,
Daring to see rainbows in grey skies
Hoping for a large chunk of fortune's pie.

When the seas refuse to bring tides,
And the sun refuses to smile,
Denying us of that ray, fine and bright,
Then, shall will start figuring our plights ?

When the heavens growls from it's belly,
And the tears in our eyes falls bright and early,
Tearing and wounding our hearts
Won't we then begin to tread the right paths?

This hopeless wait, when do you plan
To make it fade, keeping us calm?
Shall we wait on the blacks clouds to invite lightening,
Or we put up our rain when you're shying?

Shall we not just turn the lights out in our soul,
Numbly feel up every hole,
Stop hoping and crying foul
And simply prepare for the eternal brokenness rather than being whole?

Aj Maverick ft Annylove


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Fantastic piece! May we please know who Annylove is? You didn't include her full name.  ? 

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Joined: 6 years ago
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I'll find out from her and put it next time. 

