They rushed us with promises,
Those achievable only by deities.
As those who are hopeless
We believed, even against hope
But is the change we craved for…
Now, the light in our dark tunnel?
Or a jigsaw puzzle yet unshoveled?
Blame not the poor paupers of hope,
the wretched of life lives for the wind.
There're stars when the eye is rubbed,
pain is the scar, the mask of real evil.
The groan of our sores from the devil
was answered by sojourning demons!
Years went by,
A change of tact,
From the change we believed
To now change that begins with us!
Questions were asked
But answers were with incomplete fingers.
Years went by, and we realized,
the tongue is yet for naught but lies.
The answers became the questions,
we were tamed into the game of blame.
Not their fault, bring the cursing to a halt!
For we knew we were owed some change,
but we never asked how much change!
Now we lick our wounds from the shattered dreams
We demanded for change…
…change you defined.
Has the end come?
Or with our eyes widely closed, proceed to the Next Level?
No! We were blinded by our blurry dreams,
so lost, we sang without noting rhythms.
We voiced in the hope for blissful peace,
now our liberty we articulate with PVC!
© Abel Adive and Ben James
This shoul not be allowed.. The union of two stalwarts could birth a bomb!... Great one sires.
How can you people be collaborating? Eehn?
This is too Good.
Lol @Israel @Maverick