Most ladies, young girls, teenagers, women, all bother about their weight, they feel fat, slim, but mostly fat.
No one wants to be that fat girl on the street! Me as well! Imagine being short and then fat.....shyness. Low self esteem.
Many at times people bother about it, their body yet others are comfortable....
So where does fatness come from? Junks. Food. Overfeeding. Yeah probably but you know there are some people no matter how they eat they don't grow fat.. well, I want to be them...heheeeee...
What makes ya fat.
1. Overfeeding: Yeah you keep crunching all the food, all that comes your way, the junks, fat...
2. Lack of exercise: You barely move around. shed some weight, sweat a bit....fat
3. Genetics; You've been fat right from child hood...
There are things we could do....
1. Cut the food down: Say no to over feeding, eat just to your satisfaction..
2. Get out ya butt and exercise: It won't be easy but it will be worth it dear. Yeah it will be.
3. Be determined: You got a choice to make, cause ya parents are fat doesn't mean you'll be fat can chose.
#Love yourself and always remember you can chose to lose weight.
#cause everyone in your family is fat doesn't mean you'll be fat.
#If you don't act! You'll be acted on!
Oshafunmi Omolola.