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Misconception of bipolar disorder

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Bipolar disorder is one out of many mental disorders that is overlooked by Nigerians and usually perceived as insanity. There is no certain cause for bipolar disorder, but its may be as a combination of genetics, altered brain structure and chemistry.
Unfortunately, Bipolar disorder can be subsided with treatment but this condition cannot be cured. This condition may last for years or it could be life long.
The symptoms of bipolar disorder range from high energy or a loss of, loss of sleep and a lost touch with reality.
There may also be depressive episodes which last for weeks or months and sometimes, days.
Treatment for bipolar disorder is use lifelong and involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
Comsequently, the misconception that mental disorders is not eminent in Africa as a whole is the main reason why people who suffer from bipolar disorder live their entire lives drenched in a state of ignorance and the belief that they are insane. Symptoms may start to show from adolescence and if psychotherapy isn't administered to a patient, regularly and in due time, conditions may become severe.
This is why enlightenment about mental disorders is paramount in the society we live in. We need to understand that mental disorders are all around us and there are people living behind closed doors, bottling up emotions and traumas, cause they feel no one would understand them if they decide to come out from their shell.
Although, it should be known that mental illnesses aren't pretty, speak out today.

©Maymunah Kadiri

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