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I remembered with sheer clarity when I first observed in shaped detail how that many things were not very different as it tends to contradictions but on the contrary things explained and complemented each other in divers ways that eventually gave meaning. I never thought that a lie was a shadow of the truth, an evil was the absence of good and shadows forecasted the images of the real until that notable day.

I was confronted with some questions by a church sister having been absent from a church for some months. She asked "what church do you now attend ?" my response was "I didn't attend another " then she further probed "why then did you leave? " Why? What a question.I thought it over. If I hadn't left for another church why then did I leave? Her question was as good as the answer. I never actually did leave, I was walked out, helped out, chased out or pushed out. The walking away was not especially my choice. Although I never did present any of the above mentioned answers to her, I could only heave a deep breath but she must have had it, in this case scenario her question was as good as the answer.

As a writer I often thought I had questions for God. Unknown to me was the truth that in His place or presence all I could ever have was the answers. There may have been in human communications,reasoning and intelligence; questions like answers, answers to questions, answers that questions but here the game changed and all I had was the answers that couldn't be questioned. An expression of who God is. Surprisingly my answer didn't quite differ from what has been or can be known. The answer was a question of who I was. Who am I? A writer?

A writer is a man (male & female) that tells us stories by his wits or name, it's glaring, to know a writer is to know a name. Now, one of the earliest thing every learned person was taught to do was to spell or write out their names and for that reason every man was a writer! This ultimate answer that I found inadvertently turned to a question of what is man? So then it now suffice to bluntly mention that I found my answer with (or about) God, His meaning and expression in the face of a man. God was a Man.

©Ganiyu Taofeek
